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tgin Welcomes 5 Interns this Summer

tgin Welcomes 5 Interns this Summer


    This summer tgin has the honor of hosting four interns as part of the After School Matters Program.  After School Matters® is a non-profit organization that offers Chicago high school teens innovative out-of-school activities through ScienceSportsTechWords and the nationally recognized Gallery programs. Throughout the eight week internship, the students will be given the opportunity to work in the various tgin departments (e.g. Shipping, Production, and Operations). To learn more about After School Matters, click here.

    We are very excited to welcome Shemia, Adara, Essence and Elantra from After School Matters.   Here are a few faces we’ll be seeing a lot these next few weeks:

    Adara Elantra BrownEssence F

    tgin is pleased to also welcome Armoni as an intern this summer as well.  Armoni is a Manufacturing Connect student from Austin Polytech who is specifically interested in learning more about the manufacturing business.  For more information about Austin Polytechnical Institute click here.



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