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We’ve heard many times the way you start your day makes a big difference especially when it comes to health. If you begin with hot lemon water, green tea, and a smoothie you will most likely choose healthy foods throughout the day.  If you opt for the coffee and a doughnut , you might find yourself in front of the vending machine looking for a sweet treat in the afternoon. It is important to be mindful of what you choose to put in your body.

Here are three ways to make your day healthier.

1. Write down what you eat

This makes a tremendous difference because it is a subconscious sense of accountability. When you know you have to write down everything you eat, we usually think twice about that bag of M&M’s. It is also a great tool to measure your energy levels.

2. Plan ahead

When we plan ahead to pack a lunch and snacks we are in control of what we are eating. There are many hidden calories in restaurant food.

3. Get moving 

If you sit for the majority of the day, take a break away from your work area. Go for a walk, take the stairs to the cafeteria, or plan a good workout after work. At times when we sit for the majority fatigue sets in. Try to push yourself to get some exercise in. It will help your mind, body, and soul.

How do you make your day healthier?

Yvelette Stines (  is an award winning writer. She will help you live a calm and healthy lifestyle and write from your soul. Her work has been published in Essence, Uptown, Heart and Soul, Jones, Hispanic Executive Quarterly, and Green Build + Design just to name a few. Her book Vernon the Vegetable Man encourages children to choose healthy lifestyle habits. Stines blog Calming Corners ( motivates readers to live a calm and healthy lifestyle. You can find her calmly playing on social media @yvelettestines + @calmingcorners.

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