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Living such busy lives can really detract from the ability to reconnect with oneself, with others and with the earth on a spiritual level. No matter how spiritual or religious you may be and no matter how busy, it’s always a good idea dedicate some time to awareness, thanks, and balance. Try some of these quick and simple rituals to incorporate into your day to help spiritually reconnect.Embrace the day ahead of youAfter waking up in the morning, put aside three minutes to lie quietly in bed or sit in a comfy couch while embracing the day ahead of you. Cultivate a positive state of mind and give thanks to the new day, out loud or silently. Pour a few drops of aromatic oils onto a cloth and breathe in the calming scents. After contemplating for a moment, continue on with your day.Mindful Meal timeDedicate a spiritual meal once a week. Try your best to involve the entire family during food preparation giving everyone a meaningful role no matter how simple the task. While sitting together at the table, light a candle and bless or give thanks to the food. Eat quietly, being mindful of how grateful you are for the food on your plate. When everyone is finished, blow out the candle.List of things you loveAt the end of the week, write up a list of all of the people or things you love in your life. After each item, jot down two or three reasons why you love it. This ritual is great to practice weekly, monthly, or anytime you may be feeling sluggish or depressed.Embrace the night ahead of youInstead of simply taking a shower and heading to bed, be mindful of your completion of a new day. Contemplate three positive occurrences that you either participated in or witnessed throughout the day. Sweetening the air with aromatic oils also helps to relax and to concentrate.Provide closurePutting the past behind you can be difficult – especially if lacking on official moment of closure. Collect a number of objects symbolizing aspects of your life that have come to an end. Pick up each item one at a time and contemplate how that person or occurrence influenced your growth. When you feel ready to let go, bury the objects and plant flowers in their place.How do you reconnect with your spirituality on a busy schedule?Photo credit:]]>
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