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    Just in time for spring and summer our Miracle RepaiRx Strenghtening Conditioner is here to repair your hair from heat, color and everyday damage. Our Miracle RepaiRx Strengthening Conditioner pairs with our Miracle RepaiRx Strengthening Shampoo leaving hair well nourished and conditioned after each wash. Here is what you need to know about our latest conditioner and how to use it.

    Directions: Wash hair with Miracle RepaiRx Strengthening Shampoo to cleanse scalp and remove excess product buildup. Follow with Miracle RepaiRx Strenghtening Conditioner Rinse out. For extra deep conditioning, finish with Miracle RepaiRx Deep Hydrating Hair Masque

    1.Promotes hair growth

    Healthy hair growth is promoted after each condition. By adding moisture to the scalp, hair is able to easily grow in a healthier environment.

    2.Replenishes hairs natural oils

    Day to day wear and tear, styling, heat, drying hair products, and the environment can all play a part in drying out the hairs natural oils. Our Miracle RepaiRx Strengthening Conditioner adds natural oils back to the hair leaving hair well nourished and conditioned.

    3. Prevents split ends

    Split ends are a thing of the past with our strengthening conditioner. Hair is strengthend after each wash making it less suceptible to breakage.

    4. Reduces breakage

    Stronger hair equals less breakage. Each condition provides adequate moisture while conditioning and treating every strand to the nourishment your hair needs to reduce breakage and split ends.

    5. Adds Moisture

    Coconut oil and black honey combine to add much needed moisture to dry thirsty tendrils by directly penetrating every hair strand.

    Will you be trying our Miracle RepaiRx Strengthening Conditioner?


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