We’ve all heard it before, that long hair is healthy hair! The key to healthy hair? Pampering those dry, split ends and taking a few days out of each week to tuck them away, safe and sound. Protective styling is important for maintaining healthy ends, avoiding breakage, and maintaining length. Being familiar with a range of protective styles is not only important for your hair health — but in keeping up with your personal style! “Protective” styling does not mean ugly styling. And just because you’re “hiding” your ends from the big, bad (dry!) world…doesn’t mean you’re personal flair get’s thrown under the rug as well.
Keep those ends tucked away while letting your personality and inner fashionista shine bright with these 25 gorgeous protective styles we dug up just for you!
1. Long double French Braid
2. Chunky two strand twisted updo
3. A tall pin-up pompadour
4. Chunky braided updo (works on microbraids or loose hair)
5. A double twist, roll and tuck
6. Box braids
7. French roll + mini pompadour
8. An oversized puff/bun
9. A messy French braid
10. Roll and tuck
11. Puff/bun and scarf head band
12. Senegalese twists
13. Pinned banges + scarf turban
14. Full headed turban
15. Braided scarf crown
16. Faux locs
17. Top knotted turban
18. Chignon headband
19. Chunky twisted maiden braids
20. Braided braids
21. Puff faux-hawk
22. Braided crown + French braid
23. Bantu knots
24. Reverse double French braid + top knot
25. Cinna-bun updo
Dora Sobze is a PR executive, writer, and social media strategist by day — and freelance blogger by night. If you’re feeling crafty, hungry, stylish, or in need of natural hair tips, check out her blog latidoe.blogspot.com or spinachblog.com for her latest spinach recipes. She’d love to chat with you on twitter! Follow her @la_ti_doe.