Our Founder and CEO, Chris-Tia Donaldson will have the pleasure of being on the ColorComm Chicago Panel: Finding Success in Being Your Natural Self. She’ll be discussing natural beauty, style, and more.
Joining her on the panel will be the Clerk of the City of Chicago, Anna Valencia and Patrice Yursik, Founder of Afrobella.
ColorComm is an organization for women of color in the communication field. They have chapters throughout the country and their mission is to work towards connecting leaders to make a powerful network of mentors, friends, and colleagues.
The event takes place on June 27th from 5:30pm -7:30 pm at the Bloomingdale’s Shops at 900-The New View on 3 in Chicago.
For more information and to get tickets visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/colorcomm-chi-presents-finding-success-in-being-your-natural-self-tickets-35245515285?aff=es2
You don’t want to miss it!