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5 Children Hairstyles to Avoid

5 Children Hairstyles to Avoid



    Our children are a reflection of us. We catch them playing in our makeup, trying on our heels and attempting to manipulate their hair to look just like ours. Sometimes in trying to appease our little ones or in being misinformed we give them hairstyles that they aren’t quite ready for and possibly risk damaging their hair at an early age. Here are a few hairstyles to avoid for your little divas.

    1.Tight Braids

    Applying braids to girls hair is a long time tradition in most black households. Braids are a great way to promote growth, keep hair neat and avoid damage or breakage. Unfortunately, braiding hair too tightly causes breakage, tension and hair loss. If your child is complaining that their hair is being braided too tight, they have tension bumps along the front of their hairline or you notice breakage or sores, it’s time to start loosening up those braids. Though braiding often causes some discomfort, your child should not be in pain while or after their hair has been braided.

    2. Blow Outs

    I once met a mother who told me she blowdried her daughters hair each time she washed it just so when she braided her hair it would look longer. This is a big no-no. Blowdrying too often can cause heat damage and breakage. Yes, with natural hair your child will experience shrinkage. The importance should be on the protection of your child’s hair, not the length. Blowdrying should be kept to a minimum.


    3. Sew-in’s/wigs

    Personally I feel like this is one of those things that should go without saying but social media has opened my eyes too many things I never imagined real people actually doing. Excessive braiding, tension and excess weave hair can cause breakage and hair loss to children’s hair. Instead opt for a more child appropriate style like loose braids or ponytails.


    4. Flat ironing/curling

    Just like blowouts, flat ironing or curling your child’s hair on a regular basis can cause heat damage, and breakage. This type of styling should be reserved for special events or holidays and done with as minimal heat as possible. Opt for braids outs or twist outs instead.



    5. Wash n’ go

    Wash n go’s can be great for adults. We can wash or co-wash our hair, do a little detangling, then hit the door. Unfortunately it doesn’t always work so well with children. By the time they’ve made it to the playground a few leaves, half a tree branch and a mini action figure have made it into their freshly washed hair. Co-washes can sometimes do a little more harm then good. In trying to save time by co-washing we can actually cause more damage by allowing our little ones to tangle their hair causing more work in the long run. To avoid this make sure your child’s hair is properly detangled and protected before leaving the house.


    How do you style your little one’s hair?


    Ashley Renee is a licensed esthetician,makeup artist, natural hair enthusiast, writer and poet from Chicago,residing in Los Angeles! Follow her on instagram @ashleyreneepoet, twitter and personal blog why I Waited


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