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7 Ways To Relax On Self Care Sundays

7 Ways To Relax On Self Care Sundays

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The phenomenon of #selfcaresundays has been taking over social media. Women are realizing in order to be their best selves, self care needs to be a priority. There are tons of ways to relax and unwind before you return back to work on Monday and we’ve compiled a list of our favorites that are sure to get you ready for a productive week.

1.Spa bath

One way to really relax is a spa bath. Use your favorite epsom salt, a few drops of lavender essential oil, some rose petals and get ready to relax. Bath bombs are also a great addition to spa baths, and a good book and warm glass of tea are always welcomed when it comes to relaxing. Make sure your bathroom is clean and ready so you aren’t noticing every little thing. You want to be as zen as possible. So light a few candles, put on your favorite relaxing playlist and allow the water to wash away the stress of the day.

2. Massage

When is the last time you got a massage? I mean a really good one? If your partner gives a great massage, save a few bucks and schedule in a massage with them beforehand so they already know you will be putting those hands to work. If not, check out your local massage envy, or spas in your neighborhood for discounts and deals. Be sure to schedule at least 24-48 hours in advance so you don’t have to deal with the hassle of booking at the last minute. Also check out discount sites like and be sure to do a little yelp research beforehand so you know you are getting the best of the best.

3. Clean your home

Yes, I know that sounds crazy right? But what better way to take care of yourself than to take care of your home. Cleaning is therapeutic and often when your home is clean you have a more productive week. So start early so you can get to relax later in the evening. Blast your favorite cleaning playlist, light a few candles when you’re done and get your home in tip top shape so you are able to really enjoy it. Once your home is clean you may find some decorative goodies you forgot you even had or perhaps treat yourself to a new rug, incense, candles, whatever your home needs to feel like home.

4. Juice

Self care starts from within. When it comes to caring for yourself your body and health should top the list. If you are constantly feeling tired or drained throughout the week your body may be lacking iron. Visit your local grocery store and stock up on dark green leafy vegetables, cucumbers, celery, citrus fruit and apples or pears to juice with. The internet is full of tons of recipes for juicing and what they are good for. Not only will your body thank you but your skin will be clearer and more vibrant and your hair and nail growth will be stronger and healthier the more you juice.

5. Wash your hair

When is the last time you gave your hair a really good wash and deep condition? It’s so easy to ignore our hairs needs during the week and end up with a hot, tangled damaged mess by the end of the week. Use our Moisture Rich Sulfate Free Shampoo and our Triple Moisture Replenishing Conditioner first then our Honey Miracle Mask Deep Conditioner next.  Map out some time to give your hair a deep clean and condition. You can deep condition your hair while you’re taking your spa bath, cleaning or juicing, just make sure to take the time to take care of you. If you’re feeling like dropping a few coins on yourself visit your favorite salon and let them do the work for you.

6.Write a love note to yourself

How often do you call yourself beautiful? Compliment yourself? Praise yourself for your own accomplishments. Why is it so easy for us as women to thank, congratulate, compliment and praise everyone else but ourselves. Purchase a cute notebook (Target and Ross usually have them for super cheap) and make a list of all of the things you love about you. When you’re done take it a step further and stare into that now sparkly clean mirror of yours and tell yourself outloud all of the things that you love about you. You may cry, it’s fine let those tears flow girl. Self care is all about expressing your emotions freely, and caring for yourself fully.


Don’t fight me on this one. While yes exercising, sweating and forcing yourself to work muscles you may have forgotten you even had may sound more like torture than self care, we all know deep down inside that it is absolutely necessary to workout out our bodies to fully care for ourselves. All workouts don’t have to feel like you’re dying either. Find something you like. If you love to dance, dance to your favorite songs for 30 minutes. Crank out a few squats while you clean, practice yoga before your spa bath. The more you work out the easier you will get, eventually you’ll actually start having fun while doing it. If you know you won’t hold yourself accountable find a girlfriend that will. After your workout treat yourself to fresh juices at your local health food store or make some yourself.


These are just a few of many ways to practice self care. If you can try to do at least one during the week as well, no need to wait til Sundays to treat yourself to some self care. How well you be practicing self care this week?


Ashley Renee is a writer, natural hair enthusiast and film maker from Chicago residing in Los Angeles. You can keep up with her on ig @ashleyreneepoet or visit her personal blog poetashleyrenee.



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