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15 Ways to Create Happiness in Your Life

15 Ways to Create Happiness in Your Life



    When you think of the word happy, what comes to mind? I can say in the past it used to be people and/or things that was outside of my internal existence. When I saw that this led to self-destructive and unhealthy behavior, I knew something had to change.  I said a prayer. I asked God to help me get to the place where my self-worth and happiness is not attached to anyone or anything. Then, I surrendered everything.  My prayer was answered but it wasn’t pretty going through the process. It was a very truth telling, unlearning, relearning, and humbling experience. If I went through that path a couple of years ago I probably would have seen it as humiliating and unfair.

    Looking at the lessons through each step wasn’t easy but I knew that I asked for this growth. It has been amazing, heartbreaking, painful, joyful, and a graceful blessing. Many lessons, smiles, conversations, ugly cries, and tears of joy later, I can say that many things have come my way that I didn’t think would bring me so much fulfillment.  I feel blessed. People have come and gone (lessons and blessings), opportunities have revealed things about myself that I didn’t know existed and most importantly, I understand that there is a higher power in all of this that is working along with and through me for the greater good.

    Here are 15 ways to create happiness in your world.

    1. Turn down the noise and turn up the volume – We have so many distractions in life. With TV, radio, social media, and email, it is good to unplug if you can and really tap into your inner self to get aligned with yourself.

    2. Pray/Meditate – The universe knows what you need and want, ask and be prepared to get it. Once you ask, do you part. It may not come in the way you expected or wanted but it is all aligned for a greater good. Also understand, if you don’t get what you want, there is protection surrounding you.

    3. Seek gratitude – If you feel the world is unfair to you look around and see how you are treating the things around you. Be grateful for everything that you have at this moment.

    4. Know you are worth it – You are a product of this earth and were placed here and chosen for a specific reason. Find your purpose and let you light shine. Please don’t let your job title, person, and/or past disappointments determine your worth. I am ___ is the most powerful statement you can make. Say it with me I am (wonderful, great, awesome, blessed, loved, grateful)

    5. Practice self-care – You can’t help anyone else fully and selflessly unless you know how to help yourself.  Do things that will cultivate your wellness and continuous healing. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself.

    6. Do something that scares you – How do you know what you are made of until you challenge yourself.

    7. Be present – Our mind, at times, is so bombarded with the past and future we miss the present moment of what is happening right now. Being present is like being fully aware to yourself and the moment.

    8. Do things that matter to YOU –If it is important to you, unapologetically embrace it and do what matters to you.

    9. Stop Comparing yourself to others – Before you talk about someone or wish your life was like theirs, walk in their shoes for a day.

    10. Be authentic – The world needs more truth, let it start with you in the most unapologetic way. Your truth and authenticity will attract similar people and circumstances.

    11. Learn to let go of what no longer serves you – If it doesn’t fulfill you, let it go. Life is too short to hold on to things that are not aligned with your miraculous self.

    12. Have fun – Play, laugh, create memories.

    13. Have healthy friendships – I feel blessed that I have 3 friends that I can have those conversations with where I don’t have to censor myself. They will check me when it is necessary, support me always and there is universal love. We all have casual friends, associates, work friends, and our true friends, understand the difference. Remember, if you have to question it, let it go.

    14. Move it – Exercise increases serotonin, this is a happy hormone. It is a great way to improve your health, mood, and energy level. With moving, breathing is also important. Some good deep belly breaths will do wonders for the nervous system.

    15. Serve others – Helping others helps you in many ways.

    Yvelette Stines (  is an award winning writer. She will help you live a calm and healthy lifestyle and write from your soul. Her work has been published in Essence, Uptown, Heart and Soul, Jones, Hispanic Executive Quarterly, and Green Build + Design just to name a few. Her book Vernon the Vegetable Man encourages children to choose healthy lifestyle habits. Stines blog Calming Corners ( motivates readers to live a calm and healthy lifestyle. You can find her calmly playing on social media @yvelettestines + @calmingcorners.


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