[youtube]kjdGGE2p0v8[/youtube] A lot of you are looking for a protective style to rock this winter. Well, here’s a great one from PrettyDimples. A half wig is a great option for those of you who like to wash your hair frequently or just want to experiment with a new look. Living in Chicago, I like to keep my hair in twists or covered during the winter, because cold weather tends to be harsh and drying to my tresses. I know you’re thinking, but she’s wearing a weave, isn’t this is a site about natural hair. I don’t have a problem with weave, so long as it’s a good one. Again, our goal at TGIN is to promote healthy natural hair (no chemicals), and at the end of the daywho am I to judge anyone. I’m only here to help and offer support. So, here’s to PrettyDimples. Check her channel out on youtube at PrettyDimples01.]]>